A Fishy Story

10:10:00 Ochuko Agbigbe 0 Comments

    I never knew I could buy catfish in the market on a normal day and make pepper soup. The only time we talked about it, was when we were going buy it at a pepper soup joint or a sit-out, but behold here it was staring me right in my face at the market. I was quite surprised when I entered artisan market in Enugu and turned to the right, a turn I usually don’t make and there they were in all shapes and sizes
But that wasn’t the biggest surprise, funny enough that came 5mins later when a gigantic catfish was dropped in the tray with the others. It was just like the story of David and Goliath all over again only, this time, there was no winner involved.
    I wondered how much it would cost, so I went to meet the woman and ask her out of curiosity as I knew well enough I wasn’t going to buy it. She told me N85k with a laugh but later said that the price had not been agreed upon that it would be more than N15k though and that it was normally harder to cook because the spice won’t enter well because of the sheer size of it. 
Later on, I showed Chimobi the picture and he said “this one is still learning work” that he had seen bigger whilst he was staying in Port Harcourt. It nice to know that most people will still smile for a picture when pointed at with a camera.

Don’t stress life… just live it